Internationals Coming Through or Into Rome: A Spiritual Marker in Their Life

Posted by Editorial Staff

By Chris Hendrix

Imagine being forced to leave your home country because of war, famine, religious persecution, or hunger. You travel hundreds of miles, experience people taking advantage of you along the way, you witness death around you, all the while you are hungry and in need of nourishment. You finally land in a country where there is rumored that hope exists. You find out that in this country, people are prejudiced against you, you have to live on the streets, you’re still hungry, and the government is difficult to navigate, especially for a foreigner who does not speak the language. On the opposite end of the spectrum, imagine you are traveling to this same land, but your job has moved you and your family. You don’t know the language, you don’t know anyone in the host country, and you can’t even accomplish basic tasks such as going to buy food at the grocery store. Eventually, you begin to navigate these obstacles, but you still feel lonely and not connected anywhere.

These are just a couple of storylines from internationals coming through to Rome. They come from many different backgrounds and situations, but they all have one need in common, and that is Jesus Christ. Whoever they are, whatever their reason for being in Rome, and wherever they are going next, they need to discover their life-giving purpose. This purpose is only found in a relationship with Jesus Christ and by submitting their lives over to him.

Our ministry in Rome has the vision to lead diverse people to discover their life-giving purpose in Jesus Christ. Our goal is to have people from these different backgrounds make steps, together in community, toward being healthy and faithful in their relationship with Christ. They may only be in Rome for a year, but that year should be a spiritual marker in their life.

We strive towards this vision through planting churches that are focused on the diverse people and internationals. Through these churches, we aim to create communities in which we see the good news of Christ go forth among the variety of cultures that exist in Rome. Along with this, we also desire to see the local, English speaking, Italian follow Jesus and unify as Christs’ body with the international.

Ultimately, the Lord has brought many different people from many different situations to a city that once was known for its relationship with Jesus, according to Paul in Romans 1:8. We would love to see the city of Rome become a beacon of hope, love, and peace once again because of the work of Christ within its’ residents.

Chris Hendrix serves as a church planter and pastor of Rome International Church. He has served in different capacities of ministry for 12 years and has a M.Div from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He currently resides in Rome, Italy with his wife, Kristan, and their four children, Emma, Clara, Aleza, and Lucy.