Engaging the Nations: World Friends Cafe

By John Mark*   In 2012 the World Friends Cafe was conceived out of God's plan for Southcliff Church to reach out to and love Internationals in the Fountains apartments.  The idea of the Cafe originated from a Jordanian pastor and Southcliff's Share pastor. Their vision was to have a cafe similar to the ones in the Middle East where English could be practiced, current events discussed, spiritual beliefs shared and pondered, cultures examined, and relationships built all in the environment of ...
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Cultivating Relationships for Evangelism

By Jongsu Heo You are eager to lead people to Christ. However, you may not have any non-Christian friend around you. If that is the case, you have to cultivate new relationships. You meet a new person, become a friend, and share good things with him/her. You can prepare delicious food, spend time together or give presents. And of course, the most important gift is sharing the gospel message.
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Arise in North Africa: Redefining Missions Through My Two-Year Term

By Jane S.* The word “missionary” carries different meanings to different groups of people. To the atheist, the word is associated to “humanitarianism” whereas to some Muslims the word may be associated with “intruder.” In my circle, the associations that are made by my community are words like, “hero,” “leader,” or “spiritual elite.” Through my short two-year experience, the most important message I want to communicate, to not just my community, but to all Christians, is that the word ...
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Three Lessons from After School Ministry

By Joochan Kim Global Fountains ministries opened my eyes to see the beauty of the diversity of the church. Worshipping with a couple dozen children from around the world taught me to be more conscious about believers around the world. It was so natural for my perspective of the church to be limited to America. Although I knew about the church in other parts of the world, and even of the persecuted church, I had not been able to go from thinking conceptually to understanding the weight and importance ...
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All My Fountains Are in You

By Eleanor Jones* “So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:8 “We’ll share this one, thanks!” We shouted to our gracious, smiling host over the pulsing music as she set in front of us a plate piled with two (yes, TWO) large slices of chocolate cake and a mound of wrapped candies. Our request was of no use, a second plate quickly followed and was set in ...
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Thanksgiving, Christ, and Muslim: One of the Things that I’ve Learned from my Muslim Friends

“Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph 5:20) Alhamdulillah (Arabic) / Khoda ra Shokr (Farsi) I’ve been hearing these words from my Muslim friends for the past 7 years almost every day. They say it all the time. Both mean “Praise to be God” or are expressions of “Give thanks to God.”
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To my Christian Friends in Fort Worth: Where Are We Going and How Are We Doing?

Here is my yesterday and today: 1) Teaching the Word of God at a multi-ethnic (Brazilian, Chinese, Iranian, Korean, and Texan) missional community (aka Sunday School Class) at my home (American) church,2) baptizing my daughter and two Muslim Background Believers (one Arab sister and one Persian brother), 3) worshipping the Lord with my Texan and American friends, 4) preaching the Word of God at the Iranian Farsi speaking church in the afternoon, 5) helping a business man from Sri Lanka who’s ...
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I’m A Stranger Here Myself

By Jeff and Kimberly Brooks The American travel writer Bill Bryson moved to Britain and lived there for twenty years (his wife is from there).  When he and his family moved back to America after two decades away, he found that twenty years on things had changed quite a lot.  This prompted him to write a book about his homecoming experience entitled I’m a Stranger Here Myself. Now I’m pretty sure Kimberly read this book, because she reads everything, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t read it.  But ...
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Living Among Refugees instead of Buying a House: Experiencing the Rich Joy

By Jessica and Michael Peterson* During the winter of 2013-14, my wife and I were finishing up medical school and interviewing for resident physician positions across the Midwest and South.  We felt God’s call on our life to spend our residency years living among the patient population we would be serving, building relationships with them, sharing our lives with them, and sharing our faith in Jesus with them.  When we interviewed here in Fort Worth, we felt especially drawn to the large refugee ...
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오스트리아 난민 현황과 사역

By 김시므온 선교사 여기 오스트리아는 독일과 붙어 있고 독일어를 같은 모국어로 쓰고 있기에, 독일과 난민 정책이라던가 상황이 비슷하다 여겨집니다. 오스트리아 인구는 독일의 1/10 이라, 2015년 이후 난민들도 독일의 1/10 수준인 11~12만 명 가량을 받았습니다. 방송에 나온 나이지리아 출신 난민들은 난민지위를 아직 인정받지 못한 상황인지라, 공동 숙소에서 난민 비자를 신청해놓고 대기하는 중입니다. 오스트리아 역시 난민 신청 후 대기자 신분으로 공동 캠프에 거주 하고 있는 사람들은 상대적으로 열악합니다. 최근 오스트리아도 난민개방정책에 반대하는 정권이 연정을 펼치고 있어, 귀국 조치 시키는 난민들이 늘고 있습니다.
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